Saturday, June 26, 2010

Intro: Zero Madblast XXX

Hello, I am Madblast XXX, or rather, X. I prefer to be called Zero, for the matter; because it represents the number before one ('In every beginning, there is always the past, present, and the future, and without a start, things could never work well.')

So as my start, I'll be pertaining to my very own life, AND YOURS. Yes, I'll reflect on everyone's lifestyles, whatever it may be. Children or adults, the young and old, the rich and the poor; mother, father, brother, or sister-problems and solutions leading to different crossroads and pathways.

Even though I'm still a student, I know how it feels to get bad grades accidentally, come late for school in the first time, and have family problems like separation of parents/divorce. But please try not to pry about my situation, since it's complicated.

I'll be posting a lot of stuff here, whether it may be real life or not-anime. But it's my first try in creating a blog, I'll do my best whatever happens.

Well, thanks for listening (or rather, READING) my nonsense. But as we go farther in life, those things may happen, am I right?



  1. hi zero, is that your real name?
    it reminds me of that kid in that movie Holes who never spoke adn stole the shoes.
    sorry, i talk a lot.

  2. Actually, my friends call me that (because I told them to) but it really isn't..

  3. sorry. i just tried to post a comment, but i failed, so i'll try again.
    what i was going to say, when this confounded internet messed me up, was that my name was mackenzie, and you should keep posting and i hope my comment on the kid in the movie didn't offend you. even though you don't seem like someone to get offended very easily.

    anyway, like i said, keep posting.
    are you on summer vacation. just curious, cause i am.

  4. Nope, I'm not offended by it. :)
    And school just begun in our country, so summer vacation is over here too.

    Thank you.

  5. asking this i'm either going to sound stupid or naive or both.
    ok, first i couldn't understand your profile. i could read some words, but most i couldn't.
    am i stupid?
    or is it in another language.
    that would be really cool!
